Sunday, July 28, 2013

Another round of Graduation cupcakes

In our family we are very girl-centered.  My husband and I have 2 daughters and Craig's brother and his wife have 2 daughters as well.  The funny part is that the older girls are only 3 months apart in age and the younger girls are only 2 months apart!  My nieces hold the oldest and youngest ages and it was finally time for our last high school graduation.  As it turns out the older girls are 4 years ahead in school and they both had their college graduations too.  

Our daughter, Sydney, actually finished a semester early and we had a party at Christmas time when she was home so we had a lot of Christmas treats and cake pops at that time.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th of July!!

It may sound a little crazy - but my 2 favorite holidays are Thanksgiving and the 4th of July. I could go on and on about Thanksgiving so I'll just stick to the 4th today. I love the nostalgia of it, the patriotism, it's summer (!) and of course the desserts. It isn't so much even the taste of them particularly but how festive they are. 

It's a perfect blend of being able to decorate with food!  I love it. I was actually a little overwhelmed at all the recipes I wanted to try because of too much time spent on Pinterest lately - but it is so much fun. This drink is non- alcoholic and was supposed to be fully layered - I started to get it right but I need more practice with it. I don't think all the drinks were quite cold enough either but I still think it turned out cute. It is just cranberry juice, piña colada Sobe and G2 blue Gatorade. I wouldn't normally drink the Sobe or Gatorade but it was a special occasion. 

I think I am going to try a few more things later today but for now - Happy 4th of July!  I hope you have a great day and can take some time to remember that you can celebrate in whatever way you like because of the freedoms we have been granted in the foundations of this great country!!