It has been so long since I've been able to bake anything, that I didn't even realize I hadn't posted all of the cakes I did this summer! It has been a very full year in our home - a lot of travel, I mean a lot - as well as getting our oldest graduated from college and started out on her own with her first job and apartment, getting our youngest off to her sophomore year of college at her dream school which is 2500 miles from home, my husband getting a promotion, selling our house and moving across the state. I think that about covers it :) I love to keep all of my baking adventures here and not muddle it up too much with other stuff so I decided to start a sister blog called Glitter and Green Beans that goes into all of those adventures here if you want to check it out. I will have a lot to say about nutrition over there, as well as home improvement projects, family life, my pets, and pretty much anything else that happens to pop up in life.
But here, it's about my cakes and this one I made for our youngest cousin as she hit her teen years. She is a superstar on the basketball court and so fun to watch. She is also just hitting her girly stride