Molasses cookies are one of my all time favorites, right behind a good chewy peanut butter one! The recipe I have, is the one my mom used to make when I was growing up and it had to be rolled and cut out. I don't make sugar cookies for the same reason; I'm too lazy to go to that kind of mess and trouble very often. While I love decorating a cake, decorating cookies is somewhat tedious to me. It's kind of like working in miniature, or accessorizing. I'm more of a big picture kind of person.
So when I came across this recipe in my trusty box and my desire built for the soft, chewy, rich goodness I remembered - I decided to go through the trouble. Then I let the card sit in the holder I keep on my counter until it basically became part of the decor. Finally I couldn't find enough excuses to ignore it any longer, rolled my sleeves up and went for it.

I started out doing all the same steps. I floured the counter (which uses far too much of my precious gluten free mix I think) kneaded the dough a bit, rolled it out and cut the circles. I thought I might put a glaze on the top when they were finished, then I thought to sprinkle some organic sugar on top before they went into the oven. That was a great idea!! It took the cookie I loved and gave it just that little bit more in all the right ways! They were the same soft consistency, same chewy goodness, same deep rich flavor but with a little sweetness on top. Yet, I still hated the rolling. So, I thought, "I'm already changing things up a bit, why not try a different approach".