Saturday, April 28, 2012
Coconut Flour and Prom Week
Recently I was asked if I had ever worked with coconut flour. I hadn't, but knowing that it is something I wanted to learn I decided to go for it this week. I had a get together where the lady that asked me was going to attend so I thought it would be a good thing to make some cookies to take along. After doing some research and stopping at several places looking for coconut flour - I live among the poor folks without a Whole Foods store nearby, I finally came up with trying Coconut Almond cookies. It also happened to be prom week for my daughter. It was her last one and
Saturday, April 21, 2012
The student is ready - Let's do this!
I practically jumped up and down like a 6 year old at Christmas when I saw the delivery driver arrive at my house. I knew he was bringing me the next step in my baking journey. I mentioned when I started baking on a weekly basis that one of my goals was to go through a cookbook "Julie & Julia" style. But the more I went through my recipe box and made a list of things I wanted to bake, the more I realized that I want to know why everything is actually in the recipes. I've found several from when I was young and copying out of my mom's box that I didn't write out correctly and I don't know how to fix it. If I know the technical aspects of baking, then I can make up my own, I can fix others, I can give advice when friends ask me (because they do and I can't always help them) and basically I can be free to really create. I even went so far as to check in with the only pastry "school" in my area which is at the community college. I found out they don't even teach the why - they only teach the students to follow a recipe. Sure, they make almost anything you would find in a bakery or on a restaurant menu, but they don't know why either. They can't whip up something from scratch because they don't know the formula, or ratio, or whatever it is that makes the great bakers great. I want to know that. So I did what I normally do - and have done with pretty much every craft I've ever wanted to learn - I started looking at the books that could teach me. I found many and I'm sure that I will go through several of them, but it was Alton Brown that drew me in. I am a geek at heart and no Star Trek or Star Wars reference slips unnoticed by any member of my family, so he seems to fit my needs. I have already started reading it and chuckled at myself for getting so immersed in the "molecular pantry" that I couldn't put it down :) This is no "cookbook" for sure. It is a textbook. I hope to do his teaching proud as I learn the techniques to all the different mixing methods and begin to be able to put my own spin on the desserts I want to make.
I also mentioned that as a whole I am an advocate of healthy eating. I've seen the results first hand of how helpful ridding our bodies of all the chemicals the big manufacturers put into foods can be. I've watched my youngest daughter become "cured" of ADHD and have the ability to focus and concentrate so much better in class that she is an honor student now, despite the fact that she is also dyslexic. I hope that by learning to know why recipes are made the way they are I can find ways to make the desserts I love just as tasty but in a much healthier way. But that is still down the road a ways. For now - it is into the classroom so to speak!
Thursday, April 19, 2012
fudge and oatmeal oh my" class="pin-it-button" count-layout="none">

This is a recipe that I received once at a ladies fellowship for Christmas. One of them brought these bars and gave everyone the recipe. I have never made them myself and it had been so many years that I had forgotten how delicious they are! They can only be described as gooey, decadent chocolate fudge wrapped in the arms of a chewy oatmeal cookie. They are actually called Chocolate Revel.
I left the plate on the counter for my daughter to try one when she got home from school.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
I've made a list of recipes that I want to get to and marshmallows was definately on it. A great opportunity presented itself when my daughter was invited to a camping adventure - where s'mores would be involved, of course. So I set out to see if it really was as easy as everyone seems to say. I would agree that it wasn't as hard as I had it in my head that it would be, however it does get messy.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Easter Cake
I've seen this technique before in pictures and I really wanted to try it! It was a lot of fun and Easter was a great time to make something special for my family :) The Cross was fondant.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Meringue Week
Pavlova's with berries and lemon curd
As I went through my recipe box this week I found a recipe for "Basic Meringues" and I thought it sounded great! So I set it out and got ready to make them. It was definately a recipe I copied again from my mom's box and from the look of the writing I was a bit young. I turned it over
Fudgy Chocolate Meringues
These are Fudgy Chocolate Meringue cookies that I made from "Once Upon a Chef". The tutorial on there is awesome so here is the link:
Monday, April 9, 2012
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