Now that my girls are both out on their own - one at college and the other navigating the challenges of her first job after college - there are times that we still need some dessert. After all, I am a cake decorator, so cake is important to me. I was ecstatic to find a recipe for just two cupcakes recently. I've tried it twice so far. The first time it was St. Patricks Day and my husband really wanted a Guinness to celebrate and I really wanted to try to make a Guinness cupcake. So when I found out it only took a few tablespoons of a bottle he was opening anyway. . . well, it was like it was meant to be! I could do this every night frankly. I didn't try to use my gluten free flour, however, I mean, really what was the point when the Guinness already ruined it. So these were just for experience - pain to deal with later.
They turned out great and it was a fun holiday time. The next time I made them it was a night when Audrey came home and we just needed chocolate. I'm sure you understand that. So then, I was determined to make them gluten free too.
This is truly all that is needed - a bowl, a measuring spoon and something to stir it all up. I did the mix with white rice flour because I hadn't put together an all-purpose mix yet but the turned out great. It was the same recipe as the other, just better ingredients and chocolate chips on top.
Yep, it hit the spot just as needed on a chocolate necessary night! About 5 minutes to put together and 15 minutes in the oven, it could be an every night occurrance except for that blasted will-power I'm trying to work on!
As a complete side note, my frosting is already gluten free and it is so yummy even my kitty felt the need to have a sample :)
Not that I support that kind of behavior, but sometimes you just have to go with the flow!
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