One of the biggest challenges that I found when I first started baking gluten free was that everyone seems to have a different opinion about what flour to use. I looked at countless websites and spent hours in the cookbook isle at Barnes & Noble. The main thing I learned is that everyone seems to come up with their own formula. I really think that it comes down to personal preference and that depends on what you like in your end product. If you like things a little denser or lighter; if you've grown fond of the taste of certain flavors, etc.
Realizing that I was going to have to gather several different kinds of flours the obvious next question came up - how do you store all of them? I looked into some nice containers but I wasn't sure what sizes I would need and the nice containers (and let's be honest - the cute ones) are kind of expensive. Then I remembered that I had a bunch of mason jars in my craft room in various sizes and decided to use those.
After all that research I decided that for an all purpose mix I would go with Sylvana's recipe from her book Cooking for Isaiah. It has been working great so far. I'll have some of those results in upcoming posts :)
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