Thursday, February 28, 2013

Chocolate Banana freeze

It has been a new challenge learning to make things gluten-free.  It has already proven to be helpful but it is much more time consuming at this point.  Starting with the planning as well as the execution.  There are tons of websites and blogs on the subject and I'm researching as many of them as I can.  I like a challenge and I like to learn new skills so all of this is definitely something that has me excited.  Not to mention the health benefits! 

This dessert is one of those that came to mind from all of the web browsing that I was doing.  So many recipes "out there" talk about using frozen bananas and making some kind of ice cream or frozen dessert.  At the grocery store I found some coconut flavored dessert tofu.  I decided that it needed to be tried and this was the time to use it.  It tastes pretty well on its own actually which surprised me.  I didn't really have a recipe so to speak for this - I just tried to put things together that sounded good and I was craving some kind of ice cream like substance :)

I also didn't want to take too much time so I used the blender, then put it into a covered plastic container and into the freezer for a half hour or so. 

The coconut tofu was separated into 2 "wells" I guess you could call it within the package and I used about half of one of them.  Then I added 1 frozen banana, sliced up, 2 heaping tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa powder, and coconut milk.  The milk was just enough to nearly cover the bananas in the blender.  Then I let it all come together fully.  It was a bit runnier than I expected so I might have added a bit too much of the milk.  But once it froze it was delicious.  It had a good amount of chocolate, however, I might add a little more next time.  The banana flavor was very strong and the coconut flavor seemed to come mostly from the milk.  I think the tofu was so light and mild that it added some thickening but not a lot of flavor. 

All in all, I like this and would make it again - I think it would be good as a popsicle in the summer!

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