Wednesday, September 17, 2014

British Flag Cake

My daughter loves all things British.  In fact she is kind of obsessed with the music scene over there and that fits since she is studying to work in the music industry after college.  So it was with all of our blessing that she applied for the study abroad program and it was all of her own effort that gave her the ability to go.  She was accepted and without hesitation we decided it was the best excuse ever to make it a family vacation!

Her birthday is in the middle of the summer so I have had the opportunity to spend it with her each summer so far.
Our oldest daughter's birthday is at the end of the summer and we haven't been able to be with her for several years now because of college and now she is on her own 3500 miles away.  It's a good thing really, because our littlest one loves her birthday very much!  So much so that when she was younger I had to set limits on when she could start talking and planning her next birthday - I felt 6 months out was plenty enough time.  Because of the London trip pending it was a perfect opportunity to try out a new technique that I had been studying.

I've seen several video's of putting a "surprise" inside a cake and even tried my first one for our cousin's 16th birthday (you can look at that here) but this one was different.  It was for Audrey which meant I wanted it to be extra special and pull out some really new stuff.  Since the "Wow factor" was on the inside, I made the outside to be a little plain on purpose.

The inside turned out better than I hoped - for looks anyway.  I made it gluten free and added a little too much xanthan gum so it was a little chewy in texture for my taste.  It was better when it was cold so it was good that it looked great anyway!

I had to cut the angles while the cake was still a little frozen in order to get them just right.  I also made the cake a little small so it made it a little tricky to hold on to such small pieces.

Welcome to your 20's my baby girl!!

By the way. . . the top picture is from Greenwich Market in England.  Audrey's adventures and all of her great pictures can be followed here also:  on Twitter at @audrey_egg or Instagram @audreyeggleston

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